
Cool Magic Tricks

Learn Many Of These Easy Tricks In A Few Minutes. Here are some of the most essential and important magic tricks that everyone should have at least one or two of,  hidden up their sleeve.

Image of selection of items that are commonly used to perform street magic.

For casual magicians, one cool  card trick and a cool  coin trick, practiced to a reasonable standard are a must, as you never know when the opportunity to perform an easy impromptu trick will arise and these are probably the two most popular categories of magic, today.

Whether your a fan of MacDonald's aces  type routines  or even  magic 8 ball creative acts, you'll find something that ticks the boxes, here.

Many of the simple tricks on this page, you can learn and practice in a few minutes, only some of the more complex ones taking a little longer to perfect.

If you are feeling adventurous you could even stretch yourself to trying out a Vulcan Mind Reading Trick

The best way to improve your easy magic skills is by practicing. Try them out in front of a mirror or your friends before trying to do them professionally, surely sealing your position as a  modem day demi god.

There is plenty of material available, both in book form and online where you can learn thousands of tricks.

However, you are far better, narrowing these down to a select few and practicing these until you are confident performing them, to prevent, to coin a phrase i.e.  being a "Jack of all trades but master of none".

Try These Quick Tricks

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