10 Best Magic Tricks For Beginners And Kids

Starting out in the world of magic can be quite a daunting thought

Let us take all the hard work out of it for you by kick starting with 10 easy enough tricks that should be a good introduction for beginners and kids both young and old.

Lets get started then with some of the most impressive

1) Indestructible Money Bill

This looks amazing and can be a real fooler, as you appear to prove that
a normal dollar bill ( or any other money note ) appears to be super strong.
The beauty is also that it is pretty easy to do and it shouldn't take you long to be able to do a convincing version of the trick.

The real kicker is that even though your friends saw the note having a pen pushed through it, the note can then be examined by them and found to be completely undamaged.
Get out there and fool em !

Demonstration of the indestructible money bill magic trick.

2) Levitating Pencil Trick

This is an impressive looking trick that is simple enough to do as you appear to make a pencil, follow your hand and float up in the air . A classic one this, that never gets old.

A pencil appears to float up into the air at your command.

3) Instant Freeze

This little treasure of a trick has you appearing to make water turn instantly into cubes of ice . right in front of your friends noses ???

Easy to do and requires only a few easy to find objects.

Water appears to have instantly turned into ice cubes.

4) Rising Card Trick

This is a jaw dropping looking trick, where you make a spectator's chosen card slowly rise out of the middle of a pack of cards .

This looks spectacular and is surprisingly, very easy do. You'll be fooling your friends in no time.

Demonstration of the rising card magic trick.

5) How To Bend A Spoon

Spoon bending has always been a classic in close up magic .

Here you can learn two easy ways to effortlessly complete this feat and leave your friends wondering what the heck just happened ?

You can even restore the spoon back to its original form with the minimum of effort. Simple to do but very impressive close up magic

How to bend and restore a spoon as if by magic.

6) Climbing Finger Ring Trick

Here's the secret to performing a classic stunt where you appear to make a borrowed finger ring, climb up an elastic rubber band by itself ??
This has to be seen to be believed and is surprisingly simple to do after a little practice. This one will be remembered long after they were impressed by it.

A finger ring is magically made to climb up an elastic band by itself.

This type of magic always popular and works every time if you follow the instructions on the link page.

7) Card Melting Through Card Illusion

This is an absolute reputation maker and can really elevate your street cried points with your mates.

It requires first, making a simple gimmick with two cards and then you have one of the best and easiest card stunts that you can perform at a moments notice. Truly spectacular.

Magic trick where a playing card appears to melt through another card.

8) Magic Color Mind Reading Trick

This is an absolutely baffling mind reading trick where you are seen to impossibly predict your friends, previously chosen objects that they are thinking off.
What's even more baffling is that you were not even in the room when they chose them.

This requires the assistance of a little helper to help you create a real fooler of a mind reading trick. Easy mentalist magic.

You can also try a similar color guessing trick with crayons here.

Differnt colored objects are no match for your incredible mind reading skills.

8) Go Bananas Trick

This is more of a prank, as it shows how to slice a banana which is still unpeeled .

Its worth it just to see the look of surprise on your friend faces as they unexpectedly peel the banana, only to find that its already sliced into segments.

This gives you an opportunity to make a witty comment such as "Its a special variety for lazy folks " .

The sliced banana magic trick gets a look of surprise.

9) Orange Kangaroo In Denmark Mind Trick

This mentalist trick is a lot of fun and is worth it purely to see the look of amazement on your friends faces as you tell them exactly what they are actually thinking .

This can really sweep them off their feet. Easy to do and works every time

Image of kangaroo eating an orange.

10) Matchstick Go Through Solid Matchstick

Simple stuff but still a very convincing trick where you appear to make one matchstick pass through another solid match right in front of your friends noses.
This one is very easy to do, but only when you know the clever secret.

A matchstick appears to pass through another sold matchstick.

So there you have it, 10 easy to do magic tricks for kids and beginners alike. Hopefully you will find these to be fun to do and continue your interest as taking up magic as a hobby.

Want to learn an easy card vanish method ?

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