How To Walk Through A Sheet Of Paper

Sounds impossible, but not totally impossible !

Origami style sheet of paper unfolds into a large circle big enough to walk through.

Here's a useful bit of knowledge that comes in handy if you have any friends that think they know it all.

Challenge them, that you are able to walk all the way through an A4 size sheet of paper. They will look at you as if you are stupid and will probably accept the challenge.

However, this is your moment to shine.

The solution to this crazy sounding feat is explained below here.

What You Willl Need :

Scissors and a sheet of paper are that you will need to dop the walk through paper stunt.All you need is a pair of scissors and a sheet of paper ( This will work with smaller sheets of paper also but A4 size can make things a bit easier.) You can try smaller sizes later as you get more practice in.

How To Do This Crazy Trick :

Folding a sheet of paper in two through the center.First you fold the paper in half as shown above.

Cutting through a sheet of paper with scissors in preparation for a magic trick.Next, carefully cut into the folded sheet although not all the way through, leaving about a quarter inch uncut as shown above.

The first cut should start from the folded center side .

Cutting a sheet of paper with scissors to make a magic trick prop.Next make a second cut a little further along the paper, this time starting at the side where the folded ends meet together. (again make sure not to cut all the way through, leaving yourself approximately a quarter inch uncut.)

Making cuts along a sheet of paper.Continue making alternate cuts on either side of the paper making sure that your last cut is on the same center side as the first one that you did.

This is important as the next step involves cutting along the folded center side of the paper and you must not cut through the two end folds ( see where fingers are pointing to in the above photo .)

Cut along the center folded side of a sheet of paper with scissors to make a magic trick gimmick.Cut along the center folded side, leaving the two end folds uncut as mentioned before.

Cut sheet of paper unfolds out to a slinky like creation.When you pick up your sheet, you can give it a gentle shake and it should unfurl into a giant springy circle. This should be ample space for you to climb through and win your challenge.

Origami style sheet of paper unfolds into a large circle big enough to walk through.You can see here that the circle that we have just made is big enough to accommodate a pair of size 14 sneakers.

The size of your hoop can vary, depending on the number of cuts that you make in your piece of paper and also the size of sheet that you use.

This is an easy trick to get folks weaned into trying out simpler magic challenges and is a good one to try out when things are getting a little boring, perhaps when its raining during the holidays.

You will find many more easy to do magic tricks throughout this website.

Lots More Easy Magic Here !

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