David Blaine Street Magic
David Blaine is one of the worlds top street magicians and has presented a few great street magic television specials where he not only demonstrated some great examples of how to do street magic card handling but also some great feats of psychic mind reading skill. Look out for these in your TV entertainment listings.
David also had a very successful appearance on television where he performed a disappearing card trick for Jimmy Kimmel
on his late night TV show.
This type of urban magic
is growing in popularity thanks to the continued hard work and dedication of skilled magicians such as David Blaine.
Indeed, David and his contemporary magicians of a similar style can perhaps be considered as the pioneers of this casual style of wizardry. Try your hand at this unusual branch of magic, you may become the next Big Thing
This urban approach to magic has made the whole affair a lot more relaxed and accessible to the public and helped to modernise peoples ideas of the subject.
In some instances it makes use of updated technology to make the most of our surroundings to produce the best possible performance with the resources that are available around us.
Some of David's more eccentric and extreme stunts include fasting for 44 days
while being suspended in a glass case above the streets of London and standing inside an ice block for 63 hours.
The following link shows the
crazy card trick that amazed Harrison Ford
on the "Real Or Magic" television show.
This field of magic is also made popular by other magicians such a Criss Angel.
There are many new up and coming artistes that are beginning to get popular in the media of which a few have their own channels on Youtube.
I predict some exciting times ahead for this casual style of magic.