When things are getting a little quiet and boring in the bar, this trick with a beer bottle top will startle everyone to attention.
This trick involves holding a bottle cap between your finger and thumb and then gently curling your finger round the bottle cap.
Your other fingers should be curled directly under the finger thats curled round the cap.
This will leave the palm exposed when your hand is held in this cupped position. Holding both your hands in front of you ( as if about to clap your hands ), quickly clap your botttle cap hand with your free hand.
This action will force air into the holding hand, causing the cap to shoot rapidly into the air, similar to a champagne bottle popping its cork. as well as the loud SMACK
!! sound.
Not really a magic trick, but the POP !! will certainly get your crowd's attention. You can use a beer bottle cap or most soft drinks bottle caps for this challenge.