Cool Card Tricks

Easy card trick tutorials with an excellent selection of both, self working, mind reading and manipulation tricks and essential sleights for todays finest magicians. 
Playing cards being used for a card trick.

Quickly learn how to do some of the best self working card magician tricks & misdirection sleights.

Have fun as you discover how to do impossible looking origami  as well as  some cool casino dealer secrets and up to date card manipulations and  handling skills, starting off with some important basics which are the foundation of all good card magic, working our way up to some show stopping, more advanced moves.

Top training tips revealed to help impress and entertain your audience with sleight of hand with our step by step
photo instruction and easy to follow  tutorial videos which are useful for both beginner magicians and intermediate ones.

The most beneficial start in card trick  magic you can give yourself when starting to learn  card  trick manipulation is to familiarize yourself with a few basic sleights  and shortcuts, such as the double lift, the extremely useful elmsley count. an exceptionally good false card cut  false shuffle and how to force a card as these basic moves will be used over and over again as the mechanics of hundreds of  quality  card tricks .

This useful card handling website reveals some of the most attractive and best kept card secrets.
At the the risk of becoming boring, let me stress again that getting a good grasp of the basic moves and card grips is vital to you progressing to become an articulate cardician.

Much like building a house, if the foundation is strong, it makes the rest of the job, a lot easier.

A deck of cards can become your best friend in the world of magic and unleash the possibility to perform almost limitless manipulation and mind bending feats.
The rest is up to you by putting in plenty of practice.

When attempting to do some manipulations which require a high degree of precision such as a pharoh shuffle, it is a good idea to invest in good quality playing cards such as Bicycle Brand ones.

These are the tools of your trade and should justify the difference in cost from cheap ones by their greater precision, reliabilty and longer life due to being able to resist wear and tear, better.

Probably the best all round information source you can furnish yourself with is The Royal Road To Card Magic  which can usually be purchased in either book form or as a digital download from most reputable suppliers of magic products.

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