
Easy And Impressive Card Warp Trick 

Amazing free super card warp trick revealed where a card is folded together with a money bill and undergoes a seemingly impossible transformation right in front of the spectators eyes. This is visually baffling close up magic.

Magician performing a card trick with a card and dollar bill.

Effect : A playing card is folded in half and then placed inside the fold of the money bill. The card inside the bill is shown to have performed an impossible transformation with both the face side and the card backing, being visible on each side. This freak out effect as well as the secret of how to do a card warp trick is explained in the video.

This trick regularly gets a real puzzled look from your audience because common sense suggests that what you see looks totally crazy, with the card behaving in an odd twisty origami like fashion. Try the trick out on your friends.


Can be performed almost anywhere at a moments notice.

Good ice breaker for a street magic performance.

The little preparation that is needed to perform this magic is time well spent as this trick can look really baffling to your audience

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