Make A Card Rise Out From The Deck 

An amazingly convincing, levitating card trick in which a spectator's freely chosen card is made to rise out of the middle of the deck by itself, after it had been thoroughly shuffled  ???

This super floating card magic trick, uses no gimmicks and requires only a pack of playing cards.

: This is a great example of close up magic and is a favorite of a lot of good table magicians. This page contains an easy to follow instructional card levitation video showing first, the actual performance and then how to do the floating card trick.

Performance :The deck is first shuffled ( It can even be a borrowed deck ) and then fanned out in front of the spectator, who is allowed to choose any card, memorize it and then hand it back to be further shuffled into the pack.

The pack is then held out directly in front of the spectator, where they see their chosen card slowly floating up from the middle of the deck.

This looks amazing and will leave your audience baffled as to how they viewed a  card suspended in the air, right under their nose.

Tips : This street magic style, rising card trick gets a good response but can be greatly improved by an entertaining performance and good line of chat from the magician.

Practicing of the timing and the smoothness of the card moving up from the deck, should pay dividends by enabling you to perform a polished performance.

If you like the idea of levitating magic, you may wish to check out our, How To Levitate Small Objects page.

You may also wish to check out the Cell Phone In A Bottle Trick in the Street Magic section of this site.

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