Levitating Pencil Magic Trick

How To Appear To Make A Pencil Float On Air

Pencil being levitated by a hand
A quick magic tutorial to show you how to do the well liked levitating pencil trick. This is super easy do and is a  good  one for beginners who would like to learn an easy magic trick to play on their friends.

Effect : A pencil is placed on a table or flat surface. You, the magician, tell your audience that you will try and concentrate all your psychic powers into your hand and hopefully command a pencil to rise up in the air. 

Grabbing your wrist, with your other hand, the hand is held out flat and lowered over the pencil. When your hand is raised above the table, the pencil is seen to rise with it, as if by magic. The hand and pencil are then lowered back onto the table.
How Its Done : Place a pencil onto a table. Grab your left wrist with your right hand and then hold the hand flat over the pencil.

Now extend your index finger on your grabbing hand and use it to hold the pencil in place.
Make sure that your audience arei viewing the trick from the top so that this move is unseen.

Lower the hand and pencil back onto the table and quietly remove your index finger from the pencil

This  magic trick can also be done with a second pencil which is secretly slid under a wrist watch strap and used to secure the pencil in place.

The audience is again unaware of all these props as they should be viewing from a top down angle.

The photos below, show the secret moves in action

Pencil being levitated by a hand
Spectator's view showing the pencil rising at the same time as the magician's hand.

Apply a little acting such as appearing to be deeply concentrating and focusing on making the pencil levitate to add to the effect.
 View of levitation trick from underneath hand.
Here we can see what is really happening, You can see that the magician has extended their index finger of their grabbing hand to secure the pencil..

When the hand is again lowered they would release the pencil and retract their finger back to their wrist.
Pencil is shown being held in place by another pencil connected to a watch strap.
This shows the alternative method of securing the pencil with second pencil that has been secured under the magician's watch strap.

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