
Pluck Cards Out Of The Air

Appear to pluck cards from thin air with this easy to set up guide to one of the classic and enjoyable basic moves of card magic.

Magician appears to be pulling cards out of the air.

Effect : Amazing audience reaction because even though it's clear your hand is empty, you appear to grab a playing card after card from behind their ears, under tables, even from thin air!

You Will Need : 1) Pack Of Playing Cards 2) Practice, practice, practice.

How To Do The Trick:

Hold cards in the palm of the hand in palm position

A small stack of cards should be held in the palm of the hand in palm position . Choose an amount of cards that you feel comfortable holding. It is not necessary to hold a lot of cards ( try and work out how many you plan to produce and count them out before the trick )

Grip the edge of the pack with your fingers and use your thumb to peel off the top card.

Grip the edge of the pack with your fingers and use your thumb to peel of the top card.

Push up card with thumb and hold with thumb and for finger.

Continue using your thumb to move the card up to the audiences view, held beween the thumb and fore finger.

Move card forward as if reaching out to grab something from the air.

At the same time as you are pivoting up the card, the hand should be lunged forward slightly as if the card has been grabbed from thin air

Continue to produce cards from the air.

Continue to produce cards from the air in this manner, throwing down each card to the audience before producing the next card as if by magic.

Do not be fooled by the simplicity of this easy card sleight. It is very visual and can be a real reputation maker.

Practice this trick in front of a mirror to see it from an audience eye view and get to get the best angle for the trick to be performed.

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