*Quick And Easy* Magic Tricks
Easy but very effective visual magic tricks. Simple to do.
Easy Levitating Card Method
Effect : The magician places any number between 1 and 4 cards fanned out under his hand. He slowly lifts his hand and the cards float up with his hand. With his hand held high above the table, the magician now proceeds to pluck the cards of his hand and drops them on the table.
To perform this cool levitation trick you will need a ring, match and some playing cards.
Secret :
1. Put the ring on your middle finger. Then slide the matchstick under the ring so that both sides of the match stick out from the ring.
2. You now place your hand with your palm facing down on the table You now slide a card under your palm, carefully sliding one end of it between the ring and matchstick. This will grip the card and keep it in place when you lift your hand.
This move should look very natural and casual to avoid the audience knowing that you have some kind of hidden gimmick, so practice in the mirror a few times beforehand so that you are able to carry out the move smoothly.3. Now you can now raise your hand above the table. Pressing your fingers down a little on the back of the cards, will ensure that they stay in position.
Cool As Ice Illusion
Effect : Pour some water into a cup, blow on the cup and then turn it upside down where out pops some ice cubes.
You need a cup or glass that you can't see through. You also need a small sponge and and some ice cubes.
Method : Prepare the cup by placing the sponge into the bottom of the cup. Then, drop a few ice cubes on top of the sponge and you're ready to go.To perform pour a small amount of water (about an inch) into the cup. The sponge will absorb the water. Blow into the cup, wave your hands over it and dump out the ice cubes.
If you are using a disposable plastic cup for the trick, just throw it away at this time.
Watch the look of surprise on your friends faces
Quick Coin Vanish
Effect : A coin is placed onto the table. It is picked up and it magically vanishes.
Method :First, let me tell you this is about as easy as a magic trick as it gets.
Set the coin onto the table with your left hand. Say something like "Check this out" and reach over with your right hand.
Then press down on the coin with your index, middle, and 3rd fingers with your hand and arm parallel with the table. Slide the coin towards you keeping in mind it should be completely covered up.
Slide the coin off the table so it falls into your lap . Touch your thumb to your middle finger as if you are picking up the coin as it reaches the edge of the table. Keeping all your fingers closed still.
Stare at where the coin should be as you slowly move your hand away from you back to about 6 inches above where the coin originally was. Start moving your thumb in a circular motion as if the coin is disappearing.
Slowly turn your hand around and spread your fingers apart. Now the rest is up to you. The more surprised you act and if you act like you were all fortunate to see a miracle, people will believe the trick even more and remember it ( and you ) forever, --------- maybe.Paperclip Attraction
Effect : Here's a simple stunt to try put on your friends. Two paperclips are shown and clipped on to different parts of a money bill. With one swift lightning fast move, the paperclips become unexplainably linked ?? Check out the instruction video here to learn how you can do this clever piece of showmanship.Light A Used Match
Effect : You take out a box of matches and go to light your cigarette or candle but when you open them they are all used.
You then say I hate that when people put used matches back in the box, oh sorry it was me I hate it when I do that. You then proceed to take out the used match and strike it and it lights. You can have them already stashed in the dirty ashtray and take one out and then light your cigarette or candle.
Secret : All you have to do to make it look like it is a used match is dip the match head in black ink or color it black with a Sharpie marker pen and then wait for it to dry. Then dip it in ash and it will look like a used match but when you strike it the match will light like any normal match
Floating Ring Trick
Make some really thick salt water. REALLY thick.
Soak a piece of thread in it for somewhere between 45 and 60 minutes.Take it out and let it dry.
Now you are ready.
Ask someone for a ring.
Tie the ring to the end of the thread.
Hold the string so its like a pendulum.
Now take a match and light the string down by the ring.
The string will burn but the salt crystals can hold up a fairly light ring.
An awesome effect.Static Snake Charmer
You will need: a plastic drinking straw still in its wrapper.
Effect :You remove a plastic straw from its wrapper. Using the straw as a " magic wand " you command the wrapper to dance around the table.
Method : You tear off the tip of the wrapper and throw it away. Gripping the straw at the tip with the fingers of one hand, and firmly squeezing the wrapper with the fingers of the other hand, quickly pull the straw from the wrapper and drop the wrapper on the table.
Now, using the straw as a "magic wand", without touching the wrapper, slowly wave the straw over the end of the wrapper. The straw wrapper should sway around by itself as if in a hypnotic trance.
If the effect starts to wear off after a minute or two, you can re energize the wrapper by stroking it briskly along the straw.
This effect is due to static electricity. It is a real fun effect and works MOST of the time but can sometimes vary in effectiveness depending on weather conditions.
Open Sesame
1) Put the cards that the spectator chose, face down in between the other two piles to make one pile of 21 cards.
2) Deal out the cards one at a time into 3 piles of seven moving left to right.
Deal out 3 piles of seven cards face down. Ask a spectator to choose a pile. You then pick up the pile that the spectator selected and display the cards in a fan facing the audience. ( It is not necessary for you to see the front of the cards.) Then ask the spectator to look at the cards and choose one, instructing them not to tell you which card they choose.
3) Pick up each pile individually and then display the cards to the volunteer asking them to indicate which of the piles contains the chosen card. (They must not name their selected card).
Repeat steps 1 to 3 one more time.
Pressure Pick
After the steps are completed say the magic words " OPEN SESAME ". You then pick up the pile of 21 cards and spell O-P-E-N-S-E-S-A-M-E by placing one card face down on the table per each letter spelled. Turn up the next card after spelling OPEN SESAME to reveal their selected card.
Remove the cards from their packet and ask a member of your audience to shuffle the deck, remove a card without you seeing the card and then hand you back the rest of the deck.
This quick to set up trick requires only a deck of cards and their cardboard packet ( This stunt tends to work better with a newer deck of cards. )Now place the cards back in their packet and hold out the packet of cards to the audience member and ask them to place their card back into the middle of the deck ( Make sure that you are gripping the packet firmly so that a little pressure needs to be applied to push the card back into the deck )
You can now turn around from your spectator for a moment and pull the cards approximately half way out of their packet. You will find that one card is sticking out a little bit from the others. This will be your spectator's secret card.
This works best in medium/large groups, try when out with friends in a bar. For this you need a friend in on the trick. Line up 9 coins in a square 3 x 3 on the table.
Look away and invite someone to pick a coin by touching it. Next, you correctly predict their chosen coin by having a friend place their drink on a beer mat or coaster in the corresponding position top left top middle bottom right, middle middle etc.
For added effect stare into the persons eyes that you are mind reading. Get a couple of mates in on the trick to avoid your audience getting suspicious and to make the trick more convincing.
Want to learn an easy card vanish method ?