The Magic Cloak Levitation
Effect: The magician takes off his dinner jacket and lays it down by his feet. As he pulls the jacket up, his two feet rise with it, both visibly off of the ground!!!

Preparation: Get a jacket and a strong bulldog clip from the office store. You should be wearing dress shoes if you are wearing a dinner jacket.
Clip the bulldog clip to the side of one of your shoes ( inner side ). One shoe should be loosely tied so that you can easily slip in and out of it.
Method : Take off your
jacket and turn it back to the audience and pretend to straighten the bottom, but
secretly " clip
" your two shoes together and casually
step out of one, placing your socked foot behind your two shoes.
Raise yourself up on the socked foot and lift the two shoes together, never pulling the jacket higher than the tops of the shoes. Come "crashing" down and put your foot straight back into your shoe. Remove the clip and take a bow.
Watch the angles on this one, practice on a friend or in a mirror until you are experienced with the best angles and distances to perform this trick