
Double Strike Match Trick

A cool pub trick where you fool your mates with your magic powers. This match stick trick looks like real magic.

Effect : A match is removed from its box, struck and lit. The match is put out and you are immediately able to strike the match again and it relights a second time. This magic trick looks stunning as your audience are not expecting the result and it usually gets a great reaction from your mates.

You Need: A box or book of matches and a black felt tipped pen such as a Sharpie.

How It's Done : Prepare for this cool pub trick as shown in the video below. Practice this match stick trick a few times until you are confident and can perform the trick smoothly

Tips: Take care when using matches and make sure that the match is properly extinguished before you throw it away

This is a cool trick to try out in a pub or bar as there are usually smokers in the crowd and matches are usually readily at hand. Maybe try out this trick as a betcha trick and try to win some beers of your mates.

You may also wish to check out the crazy you may also like to try out the Cigarette Change To Money Bill Trick. Good luck !!

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