
Strongman Beer Bottle     

Effect :   Take an ordinary beer bottle, with a flat bottom preferably, as this will make it harder for others to copy your stunt.
Drink the beer first, this is important !!!!

Place the empty bottle upside down on the table.
Place your thumb against the side of the bottle with your fingers over the bottom.

Place either your first finger or middle finger on the bottom of the glass.
Your thumb and first finger should appear to form a right angle or as to close to a right angle as possible.

Slowly pick up the bottle without touching it with your other fingers or anything else.

Once you've mastered the trick for this pick-up and performed  it, ask the others with you to try it!!!
Bet a few beers on the outcome !!!

Method: Just before performing this trick, rub your thumb and fingers along the leather belt your wearing to hold your pants up. Do this several times, no one will notice you doing it before the trick .

The leather seems to give your fingers the dryness necessary to allow you to pick up the bottle. If you can dry the bottle, even if only slightly it will also help but it is usually not necessary. (The wetter the spectators bottles are the more impossible it will be for them to pick their bottle up).

This trick has won me MANY FREE DRINKS in the PUB!!

If you want to try some really clever stuff, lots of great tricks and levitations are explained in the Levitation Trick chapter of this site which explains how to levitate yourself and objects quickly and easily, leaving your audience completely surprised.

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